Janet Tanghal
Founder & CEO

Mrs. Janet Tanghal is a beacon of compassion and trustworthiness among her friends and family. A medical doctor for 14 years in her home country before she moved to the United States, Mrs. Tanghal is no stranger when it comes to taking care of people. Even though she left her prestigious profession to search for a better life for her family, she never strayed too far from taking care of individuals who are in need of medical attention. As a matter of fact, Mrs. Tanghal is a registered nurse in the United States, a profession she took by heart for the last 17 years.

While working in the medical field, Mrs. Tanghal observed that there are certain patients that are not given enough attention by the healthcare industry.

Let’s face it, for some people and companies, healthcare is simply a means to generate profit. When it comes to providing hospice care, not a lot of companies are interested in providing such service as complex surgeries, cutting-edge technologies, and revolutionary drugs are much more profitable. Once again, Mrs. Tanghal saw an opportunity to care and serve in a setting that would make the biggest impact on the community.

ExcelCare Hospice embodies Mrs. Tanghal’s value for compassion, truthfulness, and kindness. At ExcelCare, you are not a just a patient. You are a friend, and maybe even family if you allow.